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Category: Mental Illness

How Do You Get Someone Mentally Evaluated?

How do you get someone mentally evaluatedMental illness is still a relatively loosely regulated industry by large; however, if someone you know needs help, there are trusted solutions. The first step to helping someone you suspect of having a mental illness is seeing a psychiatrist. Many hospitals provide services for the mentally ill.

Mental health is a topic of discussion that we see becoming more mainstream in recent years due to a variety of societal factors and hard numbers that show an increase in suicide amongst vast demographics in the United States. While there are relatively few ways that you can test for someone’s mental health “status, ” the available methods can provide you with a concrete basis upon which you can decide on an individual’s mental health.

There are several different factors and criteria which can qualify someone as having to be involuntarily hospitalized. To get a real mental evaluation, you must speak with a professional mental health specialist or a psychiatrist. Your GP will help you diagnose certain other conditions such as alcohol dependence, thyroid disease, learning disabilities, and more.

To help you get a better understanding of how someone is mentally evaluated and the implications that it can have on their lives afterward, we’re going to provide you with a detailed explanation down below. You can also contact Evolved LLC today.

What Is the Process Involved with Getting Someone Mentally Evaluated?

One of the most important things to clarify is that classifying someone as being mentally ill does not provide any legal basis for action. The term mental illness has more of a place in treating certain physiological conditions that can be verifiably measured or identified. Utah is the only state that uses a list of recognized mental disorders to define clearly what mental illness is.

Mental illness comes in all different forms; some of the most common disorders are mania, suicidal urges, psychosis, and severe depression. Mental illness can lead to physical harm to others, financial problems, ruined relationships, and more. Mental health laws vary from state to state; however, it is common to be diagnosed as living with a mental illness involuntarily committed to the hospital.

Some of the most common criteria states consider when deeming whether someone should be involuntarily hospitalized or not are:

  • Grave disability
  • Need for involuntary treatment solutions
  • Present & Clear danger to oneself or others
  • Lack of capacity to consent
  • Availability of appropriate treatment options
  • Danger level to the property

Many states require that the individual show an outright capability to cause danger or harm to either themselves or other people before the measures of involuntary hospitalization are enacted. Involuntary hospitalization can occur by way of a police officer, family member, or friend who has witnessed the disturbing behavior of the individual.

Benefits of a Mental Evaluation 

The good thing about getting someone you suspect of being mentally ill clinically diagnosed is that there are several non-invasive treatment options. Observational institutionalization is a technique where hospital staff monitors the person for a specified time before coming up with a conclusion about their diagnosis or before proceeding with treatment.

If you feel that someone you know is suffering from mental health issues and you want to assist them in finding help, first take them to see a psychiatrist. They will be able to give you more accurate information as to exactly what their potential diagnosis may be. Next, you should transport them to your local hospital to receive further evaluation and treatment.

If you’re still unsure about the legal aspect of mental health in your state, contact a mental health law professional who can assist you. There is no reason why your loved one or friend shouldn’t receive the help they need to overcome whatever mental health issues they may be facing.

People Also Ask 

How long does involuntary hospitalization last?

The average stay time for an emergency detention situation is about 2-5 days; however, in some states like New Jersey, you can be held for up to 20 days if you suspect a mental health issue.

Can a patient be forced to receive treatment?

Patients can only be forced to receive treatment if they have been legally declared incompetent to make their own decisions. If this is not the case, no patient can be forced to receive treatment.

What are the five signs of mental illness?

Long-lasting irascibility, social withdrawal, drastic changes in sleeping or eating habits, fluctuating high and low mood swings, and high levels of fear/anxiety are the five signs of mental illness.

Evolved LLC Behavioral Health Services in Tucson LogoGetting Mentally Evaluated

Utilize all of the helpful information and resources we’ve given you in this article to find the right help for anyone in your life who you think is dealing with a form of mental illness. For more information on this topic or anything related to you and your family’s mental health contact Evovled LLC at 520-622-6000, or visit our contact page.